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The Critical Role of a Podiatrist in Ensuring Foot and Ankle Health

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Podiatrists are healthcare professionals who specialize in diagnosing and treating conditions related to the foot, ankle, and lower leg. They play an indispensable role in maintaining overall foot health, contributing significantly to people’s quality of life. This blog post will discuss the role of podiatrists in more detail, including their training, treatment methods, and common conditions they treat. The Broad Responsibilities of a Podiatrist A podiatrist’s responsibilities extend beyond simply treating foot pain. Read More»

When Is The Time To Consider Foot Surgery?

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The prospect of meeting with a foot surgeon to discuss possible operations to correct problems can sound scary. However, untreated foot issues can lead to anything from chronic pain to the possible loss of toes or feet. Responding quickly when there are signs of problems is important. Contact a podiatrist if you’ve noticed any of these five symptoms. Tingling or Numbness If there’s frequent tingling or numbness in your foot, something causes it. Read More»

Signs You Have A Foot Problem: How To Tell If Something Is Wrong

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Your feet are among the most important parts of your body, and it’s important to take care of them. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize they have a foot problem until it’s too late. This article highlights three signs that you might have a foot problem. You’ll also learn about how a foot specialist treats these common foot problems. Redness and Swelling There are many different reasons why someone may experience redness and swelling on their feet. Read More»

4 Common Foot Conditions That Could Become Serious When You Have Diabetes

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Common foot problems become more serious when you have diabetes. Poor circulation and a loss of sensation can cause complications from minor injuries. That’s why it’s important to work with a podiatrist when you have diabetes. The doctor can monitor your foot health and treat problems early when they’re easier to heal. Here are some common foot conditions that can be serious when you have diabetes. 1. Blisters From Footwear Read More»

What You Can Do About Your Heel Pain

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Pain in the heels can be brought on by heel spurs, plantar fasciitis, or from wearing shoes that are bothersome for your feet. If you have heel pain, then you may not be able to do all the things you could do before because this pain is hindering you from doing so. Things as simple as walking around shopping all day or being on your feet for an extended amount of time are just a few of the things you may not be able to do because of the pain in your heels. Read More»

Gout: Risk Factors, Symptoms, And Treatment

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Gout is a type of arthritis that is more common in men than women. People who have gout also have high levels of uric acid in their blood. When uric acid levels get high, crystals form around the joints. The great toe is often affected, however, gout can affect any joint in the body including the hips, hands, elbows, and knees. Here are the risk factors, symptoms, and treatments for gout that your podiatrist may recommend. Read More»

Tips for Preventing Foot and Ankle Injuries When Playing Football

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Football is a fast-paced sport that requires bursts of speed and frequent direction changes, so it is not surprising that ankle and foot injuries are quite common with football players. Luckily, there are several things that can be done to protect the feet and ankles during football games and practices. If you play football competitively or recreationally, use the following tips to help prevent foot and ankle injuries: Choose Your Cleats Carefully Read More»

Running With Plantar Fasciitis As A Running Companion

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If you are a runner, you do everything you can to take care of your feet. Without your feet, you can’t do what you love. However, since you are running, you do run into problems. One of those is plantar fasciitis, which is also sometimes known as runner’s heel. If you have started noticing that you have significant foot pain, you may have this problem, and should go see a doctor. Read More»

What Is Causing Your Heel Pain And How To Prevent It

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Heel issues are not only annoying – they can actually be quite painful! Irritating heel conditions can seem to strike you out of nowhere, leaving you wincing in discomfort and eager to see your podiatrist. If you want to keep your heels from aching and burning, you need to find out the main reasons why they may be in pain to begin with. Here are some common causes for heel pain and how to prevent them. Read More»

4 Home Remedies For Treating Dry Feet

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Your feet are the only part of your body where you do not have oil glands, which is in large part why they always feel a little drier than the rest of your body. However, you feet do have lots of sweat glands that help keep your feet moisturized. Many individuals suffer from dry skin on their feet, which left untreated, can be extremely uncomfortable. Here are a few at-home remedies you can try to treat your dry feet. Read More»