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A Painful Lump On A Toe: Things To Know About Bunions

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Does it hurt to put your foot in a shoe because there is a big lump on your biggest toe? The painful lump might be a bunion, and it will require treatment by a podiatrist, like Advanced Foot & Ankle Center of Palatine or others, before you will experience pain relief. In this article, discover what you should know about a bunion and getting it treated for pain relief.

What Causes a Toe to Develop a Bunion On It?

A bunion is basically a formation on the joint of a toe that occurs from the bone being irritated. For instance, if you have a habit of wearing shoes that are too small for your feet, it can cause the joints in your toes to rub against the shoe. The toes that are usually affected by bunions are the biggest ones, but your smallest toes can also get bunionettes (smaller lumps). Although bunions are commonly caused from wearing small shoes, you can also get them due to the condition running in your family. Medical conditions like arthritis can also lead to the formation of bunions.

What Can a Podiatrist Do to Get Rid of a Painful Bunion?

The first step to treating your painful bunion will be undergoing an examination by the podiatrist. The examination will begin with you being asked to wiggle the toe that is affected by the bunion. Basically, the podiatrist will observe your toe as you are wiggling it to determine if the bunion has limited the extent of movement in it. The next part of the examination will be the administering of an x-ray of your foot. The x-ray is necessary to confirm how severe the bunion is so the podiatrist can determine the best treatment method for you, which can be in the form of surgery, getting a cortisone injection, wearing a splint, or simply wearing roomy orthotics (medical shoes).

What Does Bunion Treatment by a Podiatrist Cost?

The price for treating your bunion will depend on the severity of it. Wearing a splint on your toe is the most affordable type of bunion treatment, as it can cost as little as $20 or more. You are looking to pay at least $2,000 or more on the highest end of the scale, which is the price for treating a bunion surgically.  Your health insurance may cover a portion of the expenses if removing the bunion is medically necessary. Make an appointment with a podiatrist so you can start putting your feet in shoes without experiencing a lot of pain from a bunion!
