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3 Tips For Preventing An Infection When You Have An Ingrown Toenail

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Ingrown toenails are caused by a number of factors, but they usually happen when a large amount of pressure is placed on the edge of your toenail. This often results in the toe nail digging into the skin surrounding it. Once the toenail breaks through the skin, your toes are more susceptible to infection because they no longer have a barrier protecting them. If you are unable to control the infection on your own at home, then you may require medical attention. Therefore, it is important to ward of infection until the ingrown toenail heals. Luckily, there are a few tips that you can use to prevent an infection while dealing with an ingrown toenail.

Dry Your Feet Immediately After a Shower

One of the easiest ways that a bacterial infection can begin is when there is excess moisture around the wounded area. If you do not dry your feet thoroughly after a shower, then you are leaving behind droplets water. These droplets of water create a breeding ground for bacteria to form and multiply. Once the bacteria have a chance to come in contact with the wound, it can lead to an infection. Therefore, use a towel to dry your feet after a bath or shower. It is important to avoid air drying your feet. Air drying may not dry your feet fast enough, this is especially true if you live in a humid climate.

Avoid Wearing Shoes that Cause Your Feet to Sweat

Wearing thick shoes and socks can cause your feet to sweat. If the temperature outside of your shoes and socks is hot, then this will create a humid environment around your toes. The excess moisture that is generated can lead to infection if it is not handled quickly. Therefore, look for lighter shoes like sandals and slippers until your toe fully recovers from the ingrown nail. If you live in a colder climate, then thicker shoes and socks should not be an issue as long as your feet are given a chance to breathe throughout the day.

Soak Your Feet in a Warm Salt Water Bath

Warm salt water is good for cleaning and soothing wounds. Soaking your feet in a warm salt water bath will help to reduce the chances of bacteria growth. Allow your feet to soak for a few minutes in order to ensure that the mixture is able to get rid of any bacteria. This should be done in the morning and night until the area is completely healed.

An ingrown toenail can quickly lead to a bacterial infection if it is not taken care of. Therefore, use these tips to keep bacteria at bay until your ingrown nail is able to fully heal. For mroe information, contact clinics like Camden County Foot & Ankle Center. 
